The Future Focused CXOs
PODCAST - Episode 5

Jon Shreve



Jon Shreve,
MCG President & CEO

The Future Focused CXOs
PODCAST - Episode 5

Discover the winning strategies used by top CXOs to drive growth in their companies, even in the toughest of times! Join us on this must-listen podcast as we learn from the best in the business world.

In this Episode, MCG President & CEO, Jon Shreve talks about his journey at Milliman, digital transformation in healthcare, and collaborative tips for the post covid work culture.

Jon Shreve



Jon Shreve,
MCG President & CEO

Discover the winning strategies used by top CXOs to drive growth in their companies, even in the toughest of times! Join us on this must-listen podcast as we learn from the best in the business world.

In this Episode, MCG President & CEO, Jon Shreve talks about his journey at Milliman, digital transformation in healthcare, and collaborative tips for the post covid work culture.

Topics Discussed

0:55 - When I look back at the time when I was in college, I was a math geek. Then I became an actuary and I realized some great problems to solve in the realm of actuarial science and with time it switched from actuarial problems to business problems. And within Milliman started up several different practices and products that we had thought about it as developing business. Eventually, I realized that business was more about leadership than it is about individually solving problems.

3:55 - The first thing that affected us was that we needed to write some new guidance for Covid. And there was a big transformation in the hospitals due to the Covid cases. So that some services which had been done in the hospital moved out because the hospitals were overwhelmed and people didn't want to be there if they didn't have Covid.

So certain surgeries and so forth moved to an outpatient setting, and some of those were stuck. The hospitals and others are struggling with staffing. And so they're looking at ways to automate processes. And a lot of hospitals are struggling with that overall staffing right now.

5:48 - Before Covid, our company was about half remote. So when Covid happened, we all went remote, of course, but the infrastructure is ready for that because we're used to it before that point. And we look for ways we could pour the glue back in. Didn't work that when we were all remote. But since then, our office has changed from a place where people go to work, to a place where people go in to collaborate.

8:41 - I would say in some ways we adopted too many technologies. So, the feedback we got from staff is, can we limit our number of tools? We went through it and we said, okay, if it's online we're gonna use Teams and maybe for big meetings we'll use Zoom. For developers we use Slack. And Confluence is a way we share documents and shared pieces. SharePoint would be another tool we use in that direction.

9:46 - A lot of the things we had in place before are still effective because since we were half remote, we had a lot of things that we needed to do there. Our technology is going through changes, but not because of Covid more just because we're in the process of redoing our stack.

10:26 - I would say sometimes people say, what kind of leader should you be to do various things? And the best answer is yourself. Don't try and transform yourself into something else. Every leader's different and there's no standard way to do it. The most important thing is being very transparent in what you're doing. I often tell people; I'll tell you anything about the company except what HR tells me. Be in a place where you can let others succeed as opposed to trying to succeed yourself.

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